Attack of the Blog

A blog space where I can deposit the many thoughts, images, ideas, and an occasional insight that makeup my life on planet Earth (three of eight).

Location: San Diego, California, United States

Right now, I would describe myself as a professional starving artist, looking for other "old souls" to commune with.

Wednesday, September 6

Bush's Problem

You know what Bush's problem is?
A belief that he knows what is best for everyone and an unwillingness to listen to opposing points of views. He exhibits a certain arrogance that, seemingly, attracts many Americans. Or it used to. Bush's problem came when he needed to make good on his down-home words and quick promises.

I'll be upfront... I really dislike President Bush and, in general, his current Administration.
The reasons for this dislike are based solely on job performance and not political affiliation. I guess I'm most disappointed in the American majority who voted to reelect him. I thought his shortcomings were so obvious that I didn't think he could possibly voted into a second term.

As a rule, I favor Democrates over Republicans, and favor Green, Reform, or Independent candidates over Democrates. That being said, I have a favorable view of California's current govenor, Arnold Schwartznagger, a republican who doesn't stay within party policy boundries. Then again, there was San Diego Representative Randy "Duke" Cunningham. A republican who took millions in bribes. (more on Rep. Cunningham in a future blog)

Ultimately, the current Republican has taken it upon themselves to circumvent the laws and rights that have defined the United States for the past 230 years.

I believe it was an early U.S. president that said... "Those who would trade freedom for security deserve neither."

I would ask all those who voted for Bush (especially those who helped re-elect him) to be a little more vigilant, a little more conscience of whom they elect. Don't vote for someone just because you think he'd make a good drinking buddy.